Opening Hours: Thurs 8.15am-7.45pm

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is an excellent method for correcting broken, misshapen, stained, or otherwise unsightly teeth. Composite tooth bonding is usually a one-visit procedure. However, if we are trying to change the shape of more than one tooth, we normally get a mock up of the desired teeth in wax and then get a copy of this with which we can build the teeth up in the chair .

The tooth is prepared by lightly roughening the area to be repaired, which usually doesn’t require anesthetic. Then the surface of the tooth is etched with a gel, and a treatment of bonding primers and resins are applied to the tooth. Then the bonding composite is applied. Dental bonding composites are materials made of acrylic resins with inorganic fillers, and containing photo initiators. They are made to a paste-like consistency so that they can be sculpted to the proper shape. They contain various pigments which are matched to your tooth color, and they come in varying degrees of translucency, with careful attention paid to their polishability. This bonding composite is applied to your tooth, sometimes in several layers in order to duplicate the depth of color that occurs in a natural tooth. A high-intensity light is then used to harden it. With careful artistry, this bonding composite can be manipulated to mimic the color details and translucency of your tooth, and polished to a beautiful shine.

A caution to all cosmetic dentistry patients: While any general dentist can legally announce that they are a “cosmetic dentist”, and many dentists do white fillings, we recommend that anyone who wants cosmetic composite bonding only go to a dentist with extensive post-graduate training in cosmetic dentistry. The bonding techniques and artistry required to do composite bonding well are not required training of general dentists. Composite bonding leaves teeth looking healthy and natural.